Areas of Practice

Structured Finance


Bentley Kantor & Company (BKC) facilitates value-added services to venture capital firms, funds, banks, Multilateral Financing Agencies and provides intermediary financial services to companies and governments seeking access to finance. At Bentley Kantor & Company, we bridged the public and private sectors by providing the platform for engagement. We assist Sovereigns in taking an idea or project from conception to realization by ensuring that the right partner is identified and introduced. We also help to package the idea and projects to facilitate the feasibility studies, business plan, financial models, and syndicating the financing through a “Mandated Lead Arranger” (MLA), or through private placement modalities, reverse merger, or as self-issuer. Private Sector players see us as a valuable partner in getting them through the hurdles

  • BKC simplifies the process by providing a single, reliable, institutional source for GP co-investment capital. We will invest in all asset classes and provide some of the sponsor’s total GP equity requirement. Typical GP Structure; the sponsor (GP) typically partners with an investor (LP) in a joint venture to capitalize on the equity position. The sponsor’s JV equity co-investment is usually funded through a combination of self-funding and institutional investor syndication.

  • We go where others fear to tread. In the structured finance arena, we work with owners and developers in a manner that utilizes our extensive real estate and financial expertise to provide tailored financial solutions. As an entrepreneurial company, we bring the flexibility needed to structure deals quickly and creatively where larger capital providers cannot.

Developer & Co-Sponsorship


We harnessed innovation to Catalyze investments into emerging markets, especially Africa, utilizing “Blended Finance” as the impetus. We have deep knowledge of each target market and each particular environment, as well as local dynamics. The secret behind our success is simply in the intentional creation of good working relationships with Principal clients and certain qualified intermediaries; we work hard to ensure that we always have the best staff who can create these relationships and support our clients throughout the process. The key is to de-risk the project:

  • We package the project by componentizing the project to crystalize and provide an understanding of each project component, identify, analyze, and assess the project exposures (Risks), and detail how each component interfaced and would be executed

  • We structure the project by conducting the feasibility study/studies, & EIA, or business plan, Completing architectural conceptual design (where necessary), identifying, sourcing, and committing EPC contractors (Technical Partners), “Operators” etc, and secure off-take agreements.

  • We de-risk the project by hedging investors’ investment, providing coverage against “Default”, political risk, expropriation, and currency mismatch where necessary, co-opt risk adjusters, multilateral financing agencies or guarantors, hedge funds, and institutional partners.

Technical Consultancy


BKC assists with the core components of investment structuring and business modeling to qualify the project for funding. Our consulting services encompass customized analytical research, business model tweaking, product/service systemization, and strategic focus. Additionally, we provide powerful, innovative, insightful, and practical solutions to assist project companies successfully address their growth challenges:

  • Project-specific viability and risk analysis & Underwriting support

  • Pursuit and pre-development funding & GP Co-investment

  • A strong balance sheet & Credit enhancements

  • Supplemental professional liability insurance coverage or Advanced Payment Guaranty

  • Assistance with capitalization structure & Sourcing institutional equity and development financing

Infrastructure Development


Our work involves the development of a structural model of a local economy. Then, the model is used to determine the way in which gross local product (local GDP), employment, and tax revenue changes as certain corporate activities migrate to, or from, the local economy. Our project of choices focuses on the ability of the project to be monetized and includes areas such as power & energy, water & sanitation plant, road, airport, seaport, smart city, hospital, housing, hotels & resorts, and STEM university.